Undergrad mailbag continued: SAE officers share their thoughts on colony developments

Overseeing our operations; Jeremy Williams and Evan Anderson have maintained order and seen that we continue to progress each and every day. There are others I could mention, but I will let them speak for themselves later on in this letter.

For now, I want to let you all know that great opportunities are coming for you, our alumni.Recently, brothers Trevor Benson, Calogeno Principato and myself have started hashing out possible events that will give us Iowa Betas, young and old, a chance to meet and engage.

Right now we are in the process of organizing our e-mailing list so we can deliver some specifics, but what I can tell you right now is that a house opening event and tailgating before football games are certainties and we are working hard to ensure that these events take place and are enjoyable for everyone in attendance.

There are several other events that we will announce very soon (We’re currently compiling an email list) and I couldn’t be more excited to finally start to connect with some of our older, more experienced brethren.Now, I’ll give the floor over to some of our other positions so they can give their own updates on the great progress we have all made separately and together.Stay true.

-Patrick Stephenson, Alumni Relations

From the Eminent Archon

Since recolonizing at the University in September, Iowa Beta has set out to lay the foundation for success. In working with brother and colony advisor Tom Halterman(IABE ??), Iowa Beta established three goals to work towards on our path to chartering: an active roster of 75 men, an all-colony GPA of 2.75 or higher, and the implementation of an effective health and safety management program aimed at educating all members on the conduct becoming of a True Gentleman.

In my role as Eminent Archon I have worked closely with Foster Region Director Everet Thompson and Coordinator of Expansion Adam Beckerleg on setting colony goals and meeting objectives required by the national organization in regard to chartering as an active chapter. In addition, I have worked toward fostering a positive relationship with the Greek Community and Interfraternity Council.

I believe that our colony is poised to make an impact on both campus and the surrounding community in the coming years. I also would like to thank alumni brothers Marc Rosenow (IABE ??), Bob Hall (IABE ??), Randy Iskowitz (IABE ??) and Bobby Thompson (IABE ??) for their continued support and guidance in the recolonization of Iowa Beta.

- Jeremy Williams, Eminent Archon

From the Eminent Deputy Archon

In the short time that our new brothers have returned to campus, our colony has been overflowing with passion and new ideas.

It has been my honor and pleasure to foster this enthusiasm and figure out the best path to making our return permanent and beneficial for our members throughout life. All of us want to learn more about what being a True Gentleman really means, and bringing out the best traits in one another is the best way to start.

There’s been a bit of a learning curve, but we knew we would be signing up for a worthwhile experience. I have had a lot of fun serving this colony with a solid Executive Board alongside me, and I hope to tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience held by our alumni in the near future.

- Evan Anderson, Eminent Deputy Archon

From the Recruitment Chair

Since Iowa Beta colonized in September 2016, we have grown to a member size of 67 active brothers. We took spring rush by storm, attaining 27 solid new members who have been learning about and adhering to the True Gentleman Initiative. We look forward to another strong rush season with Fall 2017.

- Who wrote this?, Recruitment Chair

From the Philanthropy Chair

Gentlemen, Paddy Murphy Week started on April 17th this year. We planned a week full of events that will support the Children’s Miracle Network. Some of the events included playground games with SAEs, which occured at Hubbard Park.

People paid an entrance fee to play games like four-square, tug of war and tag. During the weekend, we invited several sororities on campus compete in a flag football tournament.

Please feel free to contact us with questions about our events as well as purchasing a shirt. As for community service this semester, we have officially adopted a highway and will begin cleaning it very soon. We hope to start a strong a tradition of service around the community. If there are any community service opportunities that any of you would like us to do contact us as well.

- Kenny Sim, Philanthropy Chair

From the Scholarship Chair

Brothers of the Iowa Beta Colony of SAE believe that as a group and individually it is our duty to promote scholarship as one of the three pillars of the True Gentleman.

We aim to create an environment in which membership to the fraternity provides an opportunity for academic growth and encourages hard work and dedication to scholarship. We hold ourselves to to a higher standard and expect our members to achieve above and beyond the requirements set forth by the Interfraternity Council.

Throughout the semester we have taken steps to see this through, such as encouraging study hours and rewarding academic performance. We hope to create a lasting reputation of outstanding academic performance atIowa Beta.

- Nico Bibergall, Scholarship Chair

From the Brotherhood Chair

Here at the Iowa Beta Colony of SAE, we know that one of the most important qualities a fraternity can have is brotherhood. That is why over the course of this semester, we have made it a priority to bring this colony closer together.

We have done this by installing what we call a “Family System.” Much like the big/little system (which we plan on utilizing next year), each family has an equal amount of fall and spring recruits. Families are roughly made up of six members along with one member of the Executive Board in charge of the family. In addition to this, we have had various brotherhood events, such as bowling, and we are currently planning a grill out to occur soon.

- Josh Levinson, Brotherhood Chair